How Old is Curt Hawkins?
In today’s wrestler birthday news, WWE star Curt Hawkins turns 32, Garett Bischoff turns 33, and Johnny the Bull turns 40.
Lucha Underground Producer Partnering with Women of Wrestling
The following press release has been issued:
Mark Burnett and Jeanie Buss Form Powerful Tag Team to Champion New Content For Television and Digital Platforms
Los Angeles, CA (April 20th, 2017) – Mark Burnett, MGM’s President, Television Group & Digital, and Jeanie Buss, Los Angeles Lakers Owner and President, announced a strategic partnership today to develop new content across a range of unscripted programming and digital formats for the popular WOW-Women Of Wrestling (WOW).
MGM with its proven track record of building successful unscripted franchises (Survivor, Shark Tank, The Voice) will work with WOW and its troupe of WOW Superheroes – a diversified group of athletic over-the-top characters, villains and heroines that include the notorious tag team, Caged Heat, Delta Lotta Pain and Loca, The Governor’s Daughter, Abilene Maverick, The Dagger and newcomer, The Alpha Athlete, Adrenaline – as they begin production on their fifth season of the series. Emmy Award®- winning Burnett and his team of producers headed by President of Unscripted Programming for MGM Television, Barry Poznick, will work in tandem with WOW’s Founder and President, David McLane, the impresario behind the ’80s hit women’s wrestling television series, the Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling (GLOW), to create content for potential use across networks, digital platforms, cable and multicast networks.
“By challenging the status quo in transforming women’s wrestling for the past two years, we feel WOW is now positioned for tremendous growth,” said WOW Owner Jeanie Buss. “We are very excited to have MGM’s incredible management team, headed by Chairman and CEO Gary Barber and Mark Burnett, in place to grow our business model.”
“Barry and I witnessed first-hand the enormous global fan base of professional wrestling with our team’s production of Lucha Underground,” Burnett noted. “We were looking to expand on our experience doing Lucha, and WOW felt like a natural progression in the space. We love what Jeanie has developed and share in her vision of transforming this entertainment landscape. Together, we will look to elevate the WOW brand through creative production and enhanced character-driven storytelling.”
This is MGM Television’s third partnership in the sports arena with Lucha Underground in its third season and its previously announced partnership with the Drone Racing League.
For more information about WOW and its Superheroes, visit http://www.wowe.com/ @wowsuperheroes
Read Also: Details on One Big Caveat to Lucha Underground Talents Appearing on Impact Wrestling
Finn Balor Teases Bullet Club Reunion
Following his return to the ring after suffering a concussion, Finn Balor posted the following teasing a Bullet Club reunion on Raw: