WWE RAW Results (4/17): Number One Contender for the Women’s Title Crowned, Braun Strowman Clashes With Big Show in the Main Event!

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson are walking in the back on their way to the ring for their match. The camera cuts to Goldust and R-Truth also headed to the ring. Strowman appears out of nowhere and beats the crap out of Truth and Goldust. Numerous agents run in to stop Strowman from continuing his assault.

In the locker room, a referee walks up to Strowman and tells him the General Manager said he has the night off. Strowman says he will leave when he is ready.

In Ring Segment: Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

Anderson says Strowman gave The Golden Truth the United Airlines treatment. Now they are the ones on standby? Not cool. Gallows tells Angle to get them to nerds they can take out. Enzo and Big Cass come out on the apron.

Luke Gallow and Karl Anderson vs Enzo and Big Cass

Cass knees Anderson in the gut before chopping Anderson in the corner. Cass tags in Enzo. Cass tosses Enzo into Anderson for a one count. Enzo and Cass take turns beating down Anderson. Cass clotheslines Anderson over the top rope. Cass tosses Enzo into Anderson on the outside of the ring. Gallows tries to save Anderson, but Cass tosses Enzo into Gallows.



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