WWE RAW Results (4/17): Number One Contender for the Women’s Title Crowned, Braun Strowman Clashes With Big Show in the Main Event!

After a short break, Cesaro sends Jeff crashing under the bottom rope. Cesaro locks in a rear chin lock. Jeff fights out of it and hits a clothesline to take down Cesaro. CesaroCEsaro surprises Jeff with a roaring European uppercut in the corner for a two count. Jeff catches Cesaro with a boot to the face, running elbow, and crotch dropkick for a two count. Jeff sets up the twist of fate but Cesaro reverses it into another European uppercut. Springboard corkscrew uppercut by Cesaro for yet another near fall. Cesaro tries to set up the swing, but Jeff fights out of it. Jeff goes up top for the swanton but Cesaro cuts him off. Jeff pushes Cesaro off the top rope. Cesaro lands crotch-first on the top rope. Jeff dropkicks Cesaro off the ropes. Whisper in the wind by Jeff for a two count. Jeff goes for the rope hang kick, but Cesaro moves out of the way. Cesaro calls for the neutralizer but Jeff reverses it into the twist of fate. Jeff goes up top and lands the swanton for the win!

Winner- Jeff Hardy

After the match, both teams shake hands.

Backstage, Health Slater and Rhyno interrupts Mike’s report on the condition of Golden Truth. Slater is talking about his above ground pool and Strowman walks by and scares Rhyno and Slater. Strowman is on his way to the ring.


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