Impact Wrestling Results (4/13): New #1 Contender for the Impact Title Announced, Team JB Vs Team GOAT

Adonis almost locks in the Adonis lock but Lashley fights out of it. Lashley leapfrogs over Adonis but Adonis tosses Lashley across the ring with a butterfly suplex. Bram tags in and eats a Samoan drop for a two count. Magnus tags in and beats down Bram in the corner. Bram retreats to the outside. Magnus goes out to the apron, but Bram trips him on the apron. Bram traps Magnus in the heel’s corner. The heels take turns beating down Magnus in the corner. Magnus manages to tag in El Patron. El Patron hits a back cracker on Drake before clearing the ring. After a short break, Tyrus clotheslines Adonis from behind. Tyrus bodyslams Adonis, then hits a jumping elbow drop for another near fall. T-bone suplex by Tyrus. Fallways slam by Tyrus. Lashley tags in and gets two count. Belly to Belly suplex by Lashley. Bram tags in and elbow Adonis in the face. Bram locks in a rear chin lock. Adonis fights out of the hold but Bram floors him with a clothesline.

Adonis gets tossed to the outside. The heels beat down Adonis on the outside. Drake tags in and beats down Adonis. Tyrus is in and he headbutts Adonis. Tyrus misses a splash off the top. Adonis tags in Morgan. As soon as Morgan gets in the ring, every member of Team Matthews gets in the ring. Morgan destroys every single one of them. Chokeslam by Morgan to Bram for a two count. Tyrus broke up the pinfall. El Patron hits the ring and superkicks Tyrus. El Patron turns around and gets speared by Lashley. Adonis spine busters Lashley. Drake picks up Adonis and hits the kryptonite crunch. Magnus powerbombs Drake. Morgan obliterates Bram with the carbon footprint. Magnus climbs up top and hits a diving elbow drop for the win!

Winners- Team Borash

Josh Matthews must leave the announce table forever. All of the faces from the Impact locker room come to the ring to celebrate.

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