Impact Wrestling Results (4/13): New #1 Contender for the Impact Title Announced, Team JB Vs Team GOAT

Backstage, Davey Richards and Angelina Love are hugging… or something. Love tells us that Eddie Edwards got exactly what he deserved last week.

Fatal Four-Way: Andrew Everett vs Marshe Rockett vs Suicide vs Shane Helms

As soon as the bell rings, Helms rolls out of the ring. The referee ejects Trevor Lee from the ringside area. Rockett tries to back body drop Everett, but Everett lands on his feet. Everett tosses Rockett to the outside. Everett tries to toss Suicide to the outside but Suicide lands on the apron. Suicide. Suicide dives onto Rockett. Helms attacks Everett from behind. As soon as Suicide gets in the ring Helms rolls back outside. Suicide chops Rockett as he has Everett in a front chancery, which leads to Rockett inadvertently, DDTing Everett. Suicide hits the Suicide solution on Everett. Suicide tries to pin Everett but Helms breaks it up. Facebuster by Helms. Helms starts to yell at the crowd. Everett nips up and assaults Helms. Rockett hits a gourd buster on Everett. Rockett picks up Suicide and gourd buster him onto Everett. Rockett misses a cross body off the rope. Everett backflips kicks Suicide. Everett hits the shooting star press on Rockett for the win.

Winner- Andrew Everett

After the match, Trevor Lee attacks Everett. Everett catches Lee with a sick hurricanrana (may have been a botch- Lee landed on his face). Lee looks to be out in the middle of the ring.


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