Impact Wrestling Results (4/13): New #1 Contender for the Impact Title Announced, Team JB Vs Team GOAT

Backstage, Andrew Everett says he wants an X-Divison title shot. Shane Helms and Trevor Lee walk in and Helms says Everett isn’t ready. Everett has to win a fatal four-way tonight and then maybe he can have a shot. Everett convinces Helms to put himself in the match as well.

In-Ring Segment: Bruce Prichard

Prichard announces that Cowboy James Storm has won the fan vote to get an Impact title shot next week. EC3 comes to the ring and gets in Prichard’s face. Prichard asks Ec3 if he needs something. Ec3 tells Prichard to read it again. Prichard reiterates that James Storm has won. EC3 implies the system is rigged against him. Prichard says that they took EC3’s own suggestion. He wanted this to be put in the hands of the people. The people selected James Storm. EC3 says Prichard is holding one lost to Alberto El Patron over his head. Prichard tells EC3 to go in the back and look in a mirror and ask himself what he should do. What happened to EC3? Maybe it wasn’t about how he lost that match to Patron. EC3 didn’t just lose, he tapped out. EC3 needs to ask himself did he tap out in a match or did he tap out on himself. EC3 thanks Prichard for the advice. EC3 is going to figure out how to show Prichard and these people exactly what he is capable of.


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