News on Drew McIntyre’s Final EVOLVE Dates, WWN Live Reveals WrestleMania 34 Venue
WWN Live has issued the following:
April 12th: Tickets for EVOLVE 82 in Queens on April 22nd and EVOLVE 83 in Brooklyn on April 23rd are now on sale. Go to the WWNLive.com Events section for more building and show info. Ringside tickets for Queens are almost sold out! There are still some great second row seats left for Brooklyn. Get them now before the best seats are gone! Both events will be broadcast live at FloSlam.tv.
April 12th: The WWNLive Experience will return to Wrestlemania weekend in New Orleans, LA in 2018. We have already confirmed the venue. It will be at the beautiful, spacious and first rate Pontchartrain Convention Center. We will have an official announcement in the upcoming months.
April 12th: The start time for EVOLVE in Chicago on May 20th is now officially 2:30pm. This will give you plenty of time to make it over to NXT that evening. See EVOLVE and NXT on a wrestling dream day in Chicago! Tickets for EVOLVE are now on sale.
April 12th: Lio Rush has been signed for EVOLVE in Chicago on May 20th and Detroit on May 21st. Tickets for the Detroit event are also on sale.
April 12th: Drew Galloway makes his return to NXT tonight as Drew McIntyre. We are trying to get an interview with him as he prepares for his final EVOLVE weekend on April 22nd vs. EVOLVE Champion Zack Sabre Jr. in a non-title match and April 23rd vs. WWN Champion Matt Riddle in a Non-Title I Quit Match. Galloway has been one of the most important and controversial figures in EVOLVE for the past 2 1/2 years. His final weekend will be one to remember.
April 12th: It’s official! There will be a final Ethan Page vs. Darby Allin match. It will be one week from Saturday in Queens, NY. Page wants it and Allin has accepted. It will be Last Man Standing.
April 12th: Keith Lee vs. Darby Allin has been signed for EVOLVE 83 on April 23rd in Brooklyn, NY. These are two of the hottest talents in WWN after the WWNLive Experience. Who will continue their momentum?
April 12th: ACH vs. Jaka is set for EVOVLE 83 one week from Sunday in Brooklyn.
April 12th: After everything that happened at the WWNLive Experience, Austin Theory has asked for a rematch against Ethan Page. It’ll be Theory vs. Page at EVOLVE 83.
April 12th: We have both lineups for EVOLVE in NYC next weekend below. We want to give NYC a huge weekend since the WWNLive Experience was down in Orlando. Now the pro wrestling nirvana comes to NYC on April 22nd & 23rd. Both these days will see EVOLVE doubleheaders with Tier 1 Wrestling and BattleClub Pro. Info is here for the April 22nd and April 23rd Tier 1 and BattleClub Pro cards.
April 12th: We have two lineup changes for next weekend. Jason Kincaid will be unable to wrestle since he is still recovering from the injury he suffered in Orlando. This is a precaution and Kincaid will be back in May. Timothy Thatcher is now off the April 23rd event due to another commitment. We apologize for these changes.
April 12th: Thank you for reading today’s WWN Alerts. Here is how next weekend’s events shape up:
Main Event #1 – WWN Title MatchMatt Riddle defends vs. Timothy Thatcher with Stokely HathawayMain Event #2 – Non-Title MatchEVOLVE Champion Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Drew GallowayMain Event #3 – Last Man Standing MatchDarby Allin vs. Ethan Page with The GatekeepersEVOLVE Tag Team Title MatchTracy Williams & Fred Yehi defend vs. Chris Dickinson & JakaSpecial Attraction MatchKeith Lee vs. Kyle O’ReillySpecial Challenge MatchACH vs. Austin TheoryPlus more with Priscilla Kelly, Larry Dallas with The Big C and others!!!EVOLVE Championship MatchZack Sabre Jr. defends vs. Lio RushI Quit MatchWWN Champion Matt Riddle vs. Drew GallowaySpecial Attraction MatchEVOLVE Tag Team Champion Fred Yehi vs. Kyle O’ReillySpecial Challenge Match #1Keith Lee vs. Darby AllinSpecial Challenge Match #2ACH vs. JakaEVOLVE 80 RematchEthan Page with The Gatekeepers vs. Austin TheoryPlus more with EVOLVE Tag Team Champion Tracy Williams, Chris Dickinson, Priscilla Kelly, Stokely Hathaway and others!!!
Paige on Fans Barely Seeing Her on Total Divas Anymore
As we noted yesterday, WWE has not been mentioning Paige or Alberto El Patron in promotional material for the current season of Total Divas, and Paige posted the following on Instagram, reacting to her lack of presence on the show:
A post shared by Paige WWE (@realpaigewwe) on