Impact Wrestling Results (4/6): Edwards vs Richards Last Man Standing Match, New Knockouts #1 Contender, Multiple Stars Return!

Backstage, Braxton Sutter and Allie are talking about how it was great that Allie finally stood up to Sienna. Sienna and KM interrupt. Sienna calls Allie a snitch for running to Karen Jarrett. An argument breaks out. Karen Jarrett appears out of nowhere and books a match next week where Sutter and Allie will face Sienna and KM.

In Ring Segment: Bruce Prichard, JB, and Josh Matthews

JB tries to thank Prichard for this opportunity, but Matthews calls him a kiss ass. A “fire Josh” chant breaks out. Matthews’ first pick is Impact Champion, Bobby Lashley.Lashley joins them in the ring. Matthews gives Lashley a shirt with a goat on it. JB’s first pick is Alberto El Patron. Patron runs to the ring and gets in Lashley’s face. Matthews’ next pick is Bram. Bram walks to the ring and he isn’t wearing his DDC outfit anymore. He is back to his old get up. JB’s next pick is Chris Adonis (Chris Masters). Matthews’ next pick is Eli Drake. Tyrus comes out with Drake. Prichard says Tyrus was not called to the ring. Matthews says this is his team! Matthews tells his team to attack JB’s team.  JB’s third team member is Matt Morgan! Morgan hits the ring and makes the save. Morgan hits a spinout side effect on Drake. Lashley and Morgan square off in the ring. As the show ends, someone pulls up in the back. It must be JB’s last team member. the show cuts off before we can see who it is.

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