Impact Wrestling Results (4/6): Edwards vs Richards Last Man Standing Match, New Knockouts #1 Contender, Multiple Stars Return!

Knockouts Championship Number One Contenders  Gauntlet Match:

First Contestants: 

Ava Storie vs Madison Rayne

Rayne Mocks Storie before locking up Storie attacks Rayne, flooring her with a spin kick.

Next Entrant: Rebel

Rayne and Rebel beat down Storie in the ring. As Rayne and Rebel try to dump Storie over the top, they get in each other’s way and start to argue.

Next Entrant: Amanda Rodrigues 

Rodrigues and Storie pair off. Storie takes Rodrigues down with a  clothesline.

Next Entrant: MJ Jenkins

Jenkins springboards into the ring and dropkicks Rebel. Rodrigues traps Jenkins in the corner and stomps her. Rayne is hiding in the corner avoiding all contact.

Next Entrant: Diamanté

Diamanté hits the ring and hits a running dropkick on Jenkins.

Rebel eliminates Amanda Rodriges.



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