WWE RAW Results (4/3): Multiple Debuts and Returns, The Hardyz Defend the Tag Titles, New GM Announced, What’s Next For Lesnar?

Backstage, Angle is moving into his office. Enzo and Big Cass walk in. Enzo tells Angle that he is a certified G and you can’t teach that. Angle response that no, not in any college he has heard of. Enzo says that Big Cass is seven foot and you can’t teach that. Angle says you sure can’t. Enzo asks how Angle is doing. Angle says he is great! Angle asks how they are. Big Cass complains about not being tag champs. Enzo asks why the Hardyz were in the match. Angle tells them they will face Cesaro and Sheamus tonight in a number one contender match. Big Cass calls Cesaro and Sheamus Sawft. Enzo and Big Cass leave. Angle looks confused and says, “that’s not how you spell soft…”.

Six Women Tag Match: Raw Women’s Champion Bayley, Dana Brooke, and Sasha Banks vs Charlotte, Emma, and Charlotte

Brooke and Emma start the match. Emma drives Brooke into the corner head first. Emma slams Brooke head first on the mat. Basement dropkick by Emma. Emma tells Bayley that she wants her. Brooke tags in Bayley. Emma locks in an arm wringer. Emma whips Bayley into the corner, but Bayley tags her down with a drop toe hold. Bayley rides Emma’s back. Charlotte distracts Bayley long enough for Emma to attack her from behind.
