WWE RAW Results (4/3): Multiple Debuts and Returns, The Hardyz Defend the Tag Titles, New GM Announced, What’s Next For Lesnar?

Backstage a limo pulls up. Vince McMahon gets out and walks into the arena.

In Ring Segment: Vince McMahon

The crowd chants “Roman suck” at Vince. Vince says he doesn’t say this often but thank you for being the most passionate fans in the world. WrestleMania is over and the world keeps on turning. Vince says he has spoken to the representatives of both Raw and Smackdown and next week we are going to have a superstar shake up! Vince says tragedy struck last night when Stephaine McMahon was sent through a table. Steph is going to be on the shelf for a while. The show must go on. We have no GM or commissioner. Vince says it won’t surprise you that the new general manager was just inducted into the hall of fame. Teddy Long’s music hits and he dances out on the stage. Vince yells at them to cut his music. Vince says it’s not Teddy. Teddy says, “my bad! Holla holla holla!” And dances away. Vince announces that Kurt Angle is the new General Manager! Angle comes to the ring and shakes hands with Vince. Angle says he only has one thing to say, “It’s great to be back on Monday Night Raw! It’s true, it’s DAMN TRUE!”