WrestleMania 33 Results (4/2): The Hardys Return, New Champions Crowned, Whose Yard is it Now?

The Hardyz set up two ladders between the apron and the ring. Big Cass and Gallows crush the Hardyz between the two ladders. Enzo climbs the ladder. Big Cass pushes Enzo up the ladder. Gallows cuts the both off.  Anderson runs up the ladder and beats down Enzo. Enzo and Anderson fight on the top of the ladder. Anderso tosses Enzo off the ladder and Cesar hits him with a European uppercut. Magic Killer on Cesaro. Broken Matt hits the Twist of Fate on Sheamus. Cesaro and Sheamus are laying on the ladders on the outside of the ring. Broken Matt hits a Twist of Fate off the ladder onto Anderson! Brother Nero dives off a 20-foot ladder with a Swanton Bomb onto Sheamus and Cesaro! Broken Matt climbs the ladder and pulls the titles down for the win!

Winners and NEW Raw Tag Team Champions, The Hardy Boyz!

Mix Tag Match: The Miz and Maryse vs John Cena and Nikki Bella

Nikki and Maryse start the match off. Maryse tags in Miz. Maryse doesn’t want any parts of Nikki. Miz gets on the top rope and jaws with the crowd. Cena charges at Miz. Miz rolls to the outside. Cena chases Miz, but Miz stomps Cena as he gets back in the ring. Miz gets back on the top rope and asks the crowd if that is what they want. Miz chokes Cena on the top rope. Maryse slaps Cena in the face as the referee is distracted. Miz pounds on Cena. Miz hits his leaping clothesline in the corner. Top rope ax handle from Miz for a two count. Basement boot by Miz. Miz misses another corner clothesline.
