Impact Wrestling Results (3/30): Karen Jarrett Lays Down The Law, Moose Defends Against Cody, New Tag Champions Crowned, and Much More!

Cody tries to kiss Brandi to celebrate, but she stops him. Brandie tells yells that Cody and Moose are both acting like children. They can kill each other for all she cares. Brandi leaves the ringside area. Moose chops away at Cody. Cody hits a roaring elbow. Cody climbs up top, but Moose catches him with a dropkick. Moose goes into the Moose combo, but he misses the discus clothesline. Cody hits the Disaster Kick, but can’t capitalize. Cody and Moose both get to their feet. Moose and Cody start to brawl. As time runs Cody and Moose are still pounding on each other.

Winner and Still Impact Grand Champion, Moose!

Karen walks to the commentary desk and hands JB a note. Matthews is apoplectic… for some reason, JB announces there will be a Knockouts Gauntlet match to crown a new number one contender for the Knockouts title next week on Impact Wrestling.

KM w/Sienna vs Braxton Sutter w/Allie

KM beats down Sutter. KM misses a chop in the corner, which allows Sutter to land a few strikes of his own. Running big boot by Sutter. Sutter tries the ten punches in the corner, but KM picks up Sutter in the power bomb position. Sutter’s reverses it into a sunset flip for a near fall. KM floors Sutter with a running clothesline. KM locks in a rear chin lock. Sutter fights out of it. Sutter catches KM in a power slam. Second rope neck breaker by Sutter. Sienna grabs Allie as Sutter is about to put KM away. Sutter is distracted long enough for KM to hit a powerbomb into a lung blower for the win.

Winner- KM

After the match, a brawl breaks out between everyone. Allie and Sutter chase Sienna and KM off. Laurel Van Ness stumbles out on the stage looking a hot mess yelling obscenities at Sutter and Allie.


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