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Backstage News on Tension Between Mauro Ranallo and JBL Possibly Leading to Ranallo’s Absence From WWE TV

mauro ranallo
Photo Credit: (David Dermer/Diamond Images/Getty Images)

As noted, WWE Smackdown Live announcer Mauro Ranallo has been off WWE TV for the past three weeks, due to his battle with depression and bipolar disorder from which he has suffered since his teenage years. According to The Wrestling Observer, there’s a timing issue with Ranallo leaving WWE TV and the verbal sparring he has had with fellow Smackdown announcer JBL on Twitter, which actually lead to JBL blocking Ranallo back in December.

The March 13th episode of “Bring It To The Table” on the WWE Network reportedly played a part in the entire situation, as JBL ranted on Ranallo during the show because he was apparently upset when Ranallo tweeted the results of the Wrestling Observer Announcer of the Year Awards, which Mauro won, and commented on how he was honored to have won the award two years in a row. The results list featured the top 10 names in the category, and JBL did not make the list. People close to the situation noted things between JBL and Ranallo had been building to that point, and JBL was said legitimately to be very upset about the awards mention.

Ranallo then Tweeted on March 13th that “Jealousy is one hell of a drug,” and while he did not specifically make mention of JBL, the Tweet was taken by many as a shot at Layfield. Mauro also re-tweeted several comments that were mocking JBL’s tirade on “Bring It To The Table.”

After Mauro missed his first Smackdown taping the following day on March 14th in Pittsburgh, JBL took to Twitter and knocked Mauro for missing the show. Then it was believed that Mauro missed Smackdown due to bad weather in the Northeast part of the country but other announcers, such as Taz and Josh Mathews, were skeptical. JBL tweeted, “I made the show, everyone made the show, everyone. Maybe he shouldn’t have bashed me if he wasn’t going to show up.” JBL later deleted the tweet and hasn’t commented on Mauro since. Despite JBL possibly being “in-character” while Tweeting, his comments were taken as mean-spirited.

Mauro thanked fans on Twitter today and noted that he was getting stronger but as noted, it appears he will miss WrestleMania 33. The Wrestling Observer reports that Mauro has only been in touch with his closest friends like Bas Rutten and Frank Shamrock. Those close to Mauro have said that he’s getting stronger and recovering. Rutten, who also co-hosts a podcast with Mauro, has made hints at and outright told people his feelings towards JBL. Rutten mentioned JBL in tweets made after Mauro missed the first Smackdown episode: