WWE RAW Results (3/27): Undertaker Plays Mind Games With Reigns, Owens vs Zayn No DQ Match, Lesnar and Goldberg go Face to Face!

Raw Women’s Champion Bayley and Sasha Banks vs Nia Jax and Charlotte

Banks and Charlotte lock up. Neither can get an advantage. Banks and Charlotte tumble to the outside while still locked up. Back int he ring Banks hits the ropes and tilt-a-whirls around Charlotte before locking in a modified straight jacket hold. Charlotte fights out of the hold. Charlotte whips Banks into the ropes, but Banks rolls to the outside. Banks hilariously attempts to pull Jax off the apron, but Jax kicks her away like a small child. Charlotte tries to attack Banks but runs right into a clothesline.  Charlotte tags in Jax. Banks goes for a sunset flip, but Jax powers out. Jax tries to stomp on Banks, but Banks rolls out of the way. Jax picks up Banks for a bodyslam, but Banks wiggles out of it. Banks tags in Bayley. Bayley and Banks double dropkick Jax. Jax forces Bayley into the corner. Jax and Charlotte assault Bayley. Charlotte tags back and tries to slam Bayley’s head into the turnbuckle. Bayley fires up and slams Charlotte’s head into the turnbuckle over and over again. Bayley attempts a top rope splash, but Charlotte moves out of the way.

Charlotte works over Bayley until Bayley sends her to the outside. Bayley tags in Banks, who floors Charlotte with a clothesline. Top rope body splash for a two count by Banks. Jax blind tags herself into the match as Banks rolls up Charlotte. Jax breaks up the pin before sending Banks tumbling to the outside. After a short break, Charlotte and Jax are taking turns beating down Banks. Charlotte picks up Banks and delivers two stiff backbreakers to Banks before locking in a vice. Banks manages to turn it into a head scissors. Banks tags in Bayley, who is a house of fire. Bayley tries the vintage Bayley combo, but she ends up eating a high knee to the face as she runs in for the corner elbow. Charlotte misses a clothesline, which allows Bayley to hit a side suplex. Bayley goes up top, but Charlotte knocks her off the top rope. Charlotte stomps on Bayley’s knee and immediately locks in the Figure-eight. Banks breaks up the pin. Jax hits the ring, but Banks sends Jax to the outside. Banks dives off the apron, but Jax catches her. Jax tries to slam Banks into the ring post, but Banks reverses it and sends Jax head first into the ring post. Charlotte misses a head kick. Bayley grabs a waist lock and blasts Charlotte with the Bayley to Belly for the win.

Winners- Bayley and Sasha Banks

After the match, Jax attacks Banks and Bayley. Jax leg drops Banks, then Samoan drops Bayley. Charlotte stumbles into the ring and Jax runs over her like a freight train.