WWE RAW Results (3/20): The Fate of Mick Foley Revealed, The Undertaker Appears, and Much More!

TJ Perkins vs The Brian Kendrick

TJP floor Kendrick with a dropkick to the face. TJP tries the wrecking ball dropkick, but Kendrick moves out of the way. Kendrick hids on the other side of the ring. TJP runs to the other side of the ring and hits the wrecking ball dropkick. Top rope cross body by TJP. TJP sets up the detonation kick, but Kendrick rakes TJP’s eyes. Kendrick lands Sliced Bread No. 2 for the win.

Winner- The Brian Kendrick

After the match, Kendrick asks where Tozawa is. Now would be a great time to attack him from behind. The problem is Tozawa isn’t even in the country. Kendrick has Tozawa’s passport.

Backstage, Roman Reigns says he doesn’t think about the Undertaker unless he is picturing The Undertaker laying on the mat after losing to him. That ring is his yard.

Backstage, Stephanie walks up to Sheamus and Cesaro. Stephanie puts Cesaro and Sheamus in a two on four handicap match. If they lose, they will not be in the title match at WrestleMania.


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