WWE RAW Results (3/13): Tag Team Title Contenders Named, Reigns Calls Out The Undertaker, Rollins Attacks Triple H, Who Did Mick Foley Fire?

Foley tells Triple H that he knows that deep down the WWE Superstars envy him. Why? Because he doesn’t have to pretend to like Triple H like they do. Foley says he doesn’t need Triple H or this company. Foley says he can look in the mirror and be ok with who he is. Triple H says he knows that Foley is ok, but what about his kids? Noelle’s dream is to be a WWE Superstar and Dewy works back in the home office. Maybe Foley will be available to drive them both to the unemployment line. Triple H says Foley needs to walk up the ramp and have an epiphany. Foley needs to realize that he needs this job and the next time he sees Stephanie and she tells him to do something he better jump and ask how high. Triple H turn around. Foley pulls out Mr. Socko and locks in the mandible claw on Triple H. Stephanie low blows Foley. Triple H takes off his coat. Seth Rollins’ music hits. Rollins walks to the ring with a crutch. Triple H tells Rollins to get in the ring. Rollins holds out his crutch and drops it. Rollins runs into the ring and beats the crap out of Triple H. Triple H rolls to the outside. Triple H grabs the crutch and gets back in the ring. Triple H hits Rollins in the knee with the crutch. Triple H locks in a reverse figure four on Rollins. A group of Referees hit the ring to break it up. Rollins gets to his feet. Triple H hits Rollins in the knee with the crutch one more time for good measure.

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