jerry lawler
(Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images)

Glenn Moore Discusses His New Podcast w/ Jerry Lawler & What Kind Of A Show Fans Can Expect Each Week

The latest episode of WrestleZone Radio’s WZ Weekly was released this past Wednesday. It featured Jerry Lawler’s co-host for his new podcast, Dinner With The King, Glenn Moore as host Nick Hausman’s featured “spotlight interview” for the week.

You can find some of Glenn and Nick’s comments transcribed below.

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NH: Podcasts take on all shapes and sizes. You’ve got all kinds of different wrestling podcasts. Interview shows. News shows like this one or the one I do with Eric. Classic audio and news shows like Bill Apter. Bruce Prichard and Conrad really go back and dive in to certain topics or periods of time. What is the format that fans can expect from Dinner With The King?

GM: When you listen to the show it’s like you’re at the dinner table in one of Jerry’s BBQ restaurants. Yes, he does the cheap plug for his restaurant in Memphis (laughs). You’ll hear some dishes clanging in the background. Some people are going to be talking. The phone is going to be ringing in the background. It’s going to have that kind of ambiance and atmosphere to the show. Jerry says at the top of the first show, “I don’t want to bother any of my friends to come on. I am not going to be calling Stone Cold.” I’m like, “Come on, please! I want to talk to Stone Cold! Get him on the show!” He doesn’t want to bother people.

Related: Jerry Lawler Reveals His Commentary Status For WrestleMania 33

This week’s episode is hosted by Nick Hausman and features Impact Rebellion’s Bin Hamin (aka Ben Duerr) as his co-host. The two discuss many of the top stories from pro wrestling this past week including:

  • Rick Rude as the latest entrant in to the WWE Hall of Fame
  • Goldberg as the new WWE Universal Champion
  • All the fallout from Fastlane
  • Undertaker’s return on Monday Night RAW
  • The fans current attitude towards Roman Reigns
  • All the latest on the shake ups in Impact Wrestling
  • The Hardy Boys Expedition of Gold heads to Ring of Honor
  • Rumors of The Hardy Boys returns to WWE
  • More…

Nick & Ben also take time at the end of the show to answer questions from the #WZWeekly Twitter & Facebook mail bags.


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