(Photo by Josh Brasted/WireImage)

Big Show on How Much Longer He Plans to Wrestle, When His WWE Contract Expires, Says Braun Strowman is “On Another Level”

WWE star Big Show recently did a Q&A with Yahoo Sports! to discuss the state of his rumored match against Shaquille O’Neal at WrestleMania 33. It should be noted the Q&A was conducted last week, prior to Shaq revealing on his podcast that he and WWE are once again in talks for the match. Below are some Q&A highlights:

How Braun Strowman at 33 compares to him at 33:

“Oh geez, I don’t remember what I was like at 33. I think Braun … other than size, you can compare Braun and I, but Braun is on another level. He’s a former strongman, an incredible athlete. Very fast and very, very athletic. I think at 33 I was on a different path. I was probably around 490 pounds and I was a monster. I wasn’t necessarily as athletic as Braun.

“Braun is one of the most explosive, athletic big guys I’ve been in the ring with. He’s got a unique look and he’s also pretty sharp. He’s starting to really pick up his character and the way he works in the ring and his presence. He’s still very green considering how much time he’s spent in the ring and how far he’s gone. It’s hard for me to compare myself to anybody. I always want to be as good as The Undertaker or even Kane. I think those two guys are the two best big guys ever in the business. I always get lumped into the category of I’m not really Andre [the Giant] and I’m definitely not The Undertaker. I’m somewhere lumped in the middle, so how do I fit in?

“I’m kind of that freak that didn’t really have a home. I’m more than happy to bequeath that torch to Braun and he can be the freak that doesn’t have a home. Hopefully down the road before I go, we can have a nice program. That was kind of an impromptu thing that happened but I was really happy with what we did and the stories we were able to tell. It would be nice to revisit that again after WrestleMania.”

How much longer he plans to wrestle:

“I know I’m done February 2018. That’s when my contract ends as a full-time, live event guy. We’ll see what happens after that, whether I roll into an ambassador role or what WWE has for me. I know I’ve been with them for a long time and I have a great relationship with them. I also understand there’s a time for me to step aside and for other guys to step up. We got a lot of great new athletic talent that will probably be coming up at WrestleMania to be introduced. I don’t have any regrets or any shoulda, coulda, wouldas in my career. I’ve had a very blessed career with the greatest superstars this business has ever seen. And for me, it’s about giving that space up to those guys that are there to do it and me finding new challenges to help inspire and motivate me. That’s what I’ll be doing. Anything to keep from having to get a real job.”