Sasha Banks vs Bayley
Banks and Bayley trade armbars and headlocks. Bayley headlock takeovers Banks. Banks fights out of it. Banks locks in a top wrist lock. Bayley flips Banks over with an arm drag. Shoulder tackle by Bayley. Arm drag for a one count by Bayley. Shoulder tackle by Banks. Banks lands multiple deep arm drags on Bayley. Banks whips Bayley into the corner. Bayley hops up to the top and hits Banks with a diving arm drag. Banks catches Bayley with a stiff chop to the chest. Banks walks the ropes and hits an arm drag of her own. Head scissor takeover by Banks. Bayley rolls to the outside. Banks attempts the double knees off the apron but Bayley moves out of the way. Bayley tries a baseball slide, but Banks moves out of the way. Bayley gets back in the ring and runs right into a clothesline by Banks.
After the break, Banks and Bayley trade multiple pin attempts. Banks hits the ropes and attempts a head scissor into the Banks Statement, but Bayley blocks it. Bayley forces Banks into the corner. Bayley waist locks Banks for the Bayley to Belly, but Banks hooks the ropes. Banks explodes out of the corner with a roaring elbow. Standing double knees by Banks for a two count. Bankes sends Bayley head first into the turnbuckle. Banks misses the corner double knees. Bayley goes up top and misses a diving splash. Banks locks in the Banks Statement. Bayley gets to the ropes. Banks hit a backstabber and locks in the Banks Statement again. Charlotte tries to interfere, but Banks kicks her away. Bayley taps out.
Winners- Sasha Banks
After the match, Charlotte hit big boots on both Banks and Bayley.