Impact Wrestling Results (3/2): New Champion Crowned, Lashley/Barnett, The Hardy’s Invade MCW

Third Match: Trevor Lee (c) w/Shane Helms vs. Andrew Everett for the TNA X-Division Championship 

Everett ducks a forearm strike from Lee. Everett bounces Lee head on the top turnbuckle. Lee lands a back elbow in the corner. Everett leapfrogs over Lee. Everett with a Pele Kick that sends Lee to the outside. Everett connects with the Somersault Plancha. Everett follows that up with a Triangle Moonsault. Lee begs for mercy. Everett drops Lee with a Springboard Moonsault. Shane Helms distracts Everett. He rolls Lee back into the ring.

Everett goes for the Springboard Basement Dropkick, but Lee ducks out of the way. Lee with a Standing C4 to Everett. Lee goes into the ground and pound attack. Lee launches Everett to the corner. Lee with a leaping forearm strike to Everett. Lee repeatedly stomps on Everett’s back. Lee lands a big right hand. Everett responds with a knife edge chop. Lee sends Everett back first into the turnbuckles for a two count.

Lee with a forearm strike to the lower back region of Everett. Lee goes for a german suplex, but Everett gets back on his feet. Everett connects with the Springboard Basement Dropkick. Everett with a series of running axe handles to Lee. Lee responds with a running european uppercut. Everett plants Lee with a Frankensteiner. Everett goes after Helms. Everett ascends to the top rope. Everett goes for the Shooting Star Press, but Lee gets his knees up in the air. Lee rolls Everett up with a hand full of tights to pickup the victory.

Winner: Still TNA X-Division Champion, Trevor Lee


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