Morgan hits a running bulldog, but Moon breaks up the pin. Moon lands a series of kicks to Morgan. Morgan manages to send Moon to the outside with a spinning head scissors. Royce sets Morgan on the top rope for a superplex. Morgan tries to fight out of it. Moon climbs up on the apron and dives into the ring with a sunset flip tower of doom. Moon mounts the top rope. Bille Kay gets in the ring and eats the Eclipse from Moon. Morgan pushes Moon out of the ring. Royce attacks Morgan from behind. Royce hits a fisherman’s suplex for the win.
Winner and NEW Number One Contender for the Women’s Championship, Peyton Royce!
Mark Andrews vs Pete Dunne
Dunne takes Andrews down in with a wrist lock. Dunne spreads out and bends Andrews’ fingers. Andrews manages to get to his feet and flip out of the lock. Dunne takes Andrews back down to the mat. Dunne bends Andrews fingers again into various positions they shouldn’t be bent into. Andrews sends Dunne into the ropes. Dunne dives over Andrews for a sunset flip, but Andrews rolls through and levels Dunne with a dropkick. Dunne rolls to outside. Andrews jumps out to the apron. Andrews attempts a moonsault, but Dunne catches him. Andrews takes Dunne over with an arm drag.