WWE RAW Results (2/20): Kevin Owens Has a Message for Goldberg, New #1 Contenders to the Tag Titles, Big Show Clashes With Braun Strowman!

Charlotte comes to the ring and says she is invoking her rematch clause at WWE Fastlane and the Queen of PPV will once again be the Raw Women’s champion. Banks tells Charlotte she is sick of hearing Charlotte’s mouth. Banks says she is at 100% and for old times sake Charlotte should face her tonight. Stephanie says the match will not only happen tonight, it will happen right now.

Sasha Banks vs Charlotte

Charlotte forces Banks into the corner. Banks slaps Charlotte in the face. Charlotte kicks Banks in the knee. Banks knees Charlotte int he got. Tilt-a-whirl school girl by Banks for a two count. Banks sends Charlotte’s headfirst into the middle turnbuckle. Sasha miss running double knees in the corner. Charlotte drives Banks head into the mat. Charlotte figure fours her legs around Banks’ head. Charlotte drives Banks head into the mat over and over again before flipping her to the other side of the ring. Big boot by Charlotte. Charlotte sends Banks to the outside of the ring.

After a short break, Charlotte whips Banks into the corner. Banks gets a boot up. Charlotte misses a big boot. Banks plants Charlotte with a wheelbarrow bulldog for a two count. Charlotte gets trapped in the corner. Banks misses the double knee. Banks hits the diving double knee off the apron. Dana Brooke runs down to the ring, but Bayley cuts her off. Banks goes up top, but Charlotte knocks Banks off the top rope. Charlotte gets distracted by Bayley. Banks hits the backstabber into the Banks Statement for the submission victory!

Winner- Sasha Banks


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