Cody Rhodes and Zack Sabre, Jr In-Action Tonight
Tonight, The FITE App will be streaming the All Pro Wrestling “We Out There” event, beginning at 10:30pm EST. You can download the FITE App free from iTunes and Google Play at this link.
Already signed to compete tonight are “American Nightmare” CODY RHODES, WAR PIG JODY, “Mr. Athletic” JEFF COBB, “King of Sleaze” JOEY RYAN, APW World-Wide Internet Champion:”Money Maker” WILL CUEVAS, “Samoan Werewolf” JACOB FATU, “God of War” J.R. KRATOS, LUSTER THE LEGEND, APW Tag Team Champions: WILL HOBBS & MARCUS LEWIS and the APW DEBUT of “Cero Miedo” PENTAGON Jr. and U.K. sensation ZACK SABRE Jr.!
ROH to Hold First Ever Women’s Tryout
Ring of Honor has announced the company will hold its first ever Women of Honor Tryout Camp and it will be in partnership with Japanese wrestling promotion, STARDOM. The statement added “at least” one wrestler will be picked for a tour of Japan with STARDOM later in the year.
EVOLVE – WrestleMania Weekend Updates
WWN Live has issued the following:
February 17th: Tickets are now on sale for EVOLVE 78 in Joppa, MD one week from today and EVOLVE 79 in Queens, NY one week from tomorrow. Good seats remain for each event at TicketFly.com. We have not raised ticket prices in 2017 to help absorb the fees! In addition, you can now print out tickets at home or show the barcode on your cellphone. There is no need to pay fees to have them mailed or wait at will call anymore! Go to the WWNLive.com Events section for all the event and building info.
February 17th: Drew Galloway is obsessed with Matt Riddle. This is clear with Galloway’s words at Style Battle last Friday. Watch the replay now at FloSlam.tv. It will finally be Galloway vs. Riddle one-on-one at EVOLVE 79.
February 17th: Jeff Cobb vs. Jaka has been signed for EVOLVE 79 in Queens, NY.
February 17th: A Four Corner Freestyle will round out EVOLVE 79. It will be EVOLVE Tag Team Champion Fred Yehi or EVOLVE Champion Timothy Thatcher with Stokely Hathaway (whoever loses in their Title Match at EVOLVE 78) vs. Chris Dickinson vs. Austin Theory vs. Anthony Henry.
February 17th: We know you want more match announcements for EVOLVE 80, EVOLVE 81 and the WWN Supershow on Wrestlemania weekend in Orlando, FL. However, it is difficult for us to determine more matches until after the happenings of EVOLVE 78 and EVOLVE 79. You can bet that we will pull out all the stops to make Orlando special. Just look at the talent roster for the WWNLive Experience:
-EVOLVE Champion Timothy Thatcher with Stokely Hathaway (WWNLive Experience Exlusive)
-EVOLVE Tag Team Champions Tracy Williams & Fred Yehi (WWNLive Experience Exclusive)
-Matt Riddle (WWNLive Experience Exclusive)
-Drew Galloway (WWNLive Experience Exclusive)
-Ethan Page with The Gatekeepers (WWNLive Experience Exclusive)
-Keith Lee (WWNLive Experience Exclusive)
-Darby Allin (WWNLive Experience Exclusive)
-Chris Dickinson (WWNLive Experience Exclusive)
-Jaka (WWNLive Experience Exclusive)
-Jason Kincaid (WWNLive Experience Exclusive)
-Austin Theory (WWNLive Experience Exclusive)
-Zack Sabre Jr.
-Michael Elgin (EVOLVE 80 & EVOLVE 81 only)
-Donovan Dijak (EVOLVE 80 & EVOLVE 81 only)
-Ricochet (EVOLVE 80 only)February 17th: We aren’t done yet! More names will be added to that list for the WWNLive Experience in Orlando on Wrestlemania weekend! Tickets are on sale now!
February 17th: We appreciate you taking a few minutes to read today’s WWN Alerts. We have the complete lineups for EVOLVE next week below:
EVOLVE 78 – Feb. 24th – Joppa, MD – Watch At FloSlam.tv
A Night Of First-Time-Matches In EVOLVE!!!
EVOLVE Championship Match – First-Time-Ever In EVOLVE Match #1
Timothy Thatcher w/ Stokely Hathaway defends vs. EVOLVE Tag Team Champion Fred YehiFirst-Time-Ever In EVOLVE Match #2
Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Keith LeeFirst-Time-Ever In EVOLVE Match #3
Drew Galloway vs. Jeff CobbFirst-Time-Ever In EVOLVE Match #4
EVOLVE Tag Team Champion Tracy Williams vs. ACHFirst-Time-Ever In EVOLVE Match #5
Matt Riddle vs. Anthony HenryFirst-Time-Ever In EVOLVE Match #6
Ethan Page with The Gatekeepers vs. Jason KincaidFirst-Time-Ever In EVOLVE Match #7
Chris Dickinson & Jaka vs. The GatekeepersFirst-Time-Ever In EVOLVE Match #8
Darby Allin vs. Austin TheoryEVOLVE 79 – Feb. 25th – Queens, NY – Watch Live At FloSlam.tv
EVOLVE Championship Match
Tim Thatcher with Stokely Hathaway/Fred Yehi winner at EVOLVE 78 defends vs. Zack Sabre Jr.Bonus Match Event Grudge Match
Drew Galloway vs. Matt RiddleGrudge Match
Ethan Page with The Gatekeepers vs. Darby AllinSpecial Challenge Match #1
EVOLVE Tag Team Champion Tracy Williams vs. Keith LeeSpecial Challenge Match #2
ACH vs. Jason KincaidSpecial Attraction Match
Jeff Cobb vs. JakaFour Way Freestyle
Thatcher/Yehi loser at EVOLVE 78 vs. Chris Dickinson vs. Austin Theory vs. Anthony Henry