Fourth Match: John Cena vs. Randy Orton
Bray Wyatt is watching the match from ringside. Orton applies a side headlock. Cena drops Orton with a shoulder tackle. Cena gets Orton in a side headlock. Orton with a right hand to the ribs of Cena. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Orton gets back on his feet. Orton kicks Cena in the gut. Orton stomps on Cena’s foot. Orton rakes the nose of Cena. Orton drops Cena with a right hand for a two count. Orton applies a rear chin lock. Orton with another boot to the gut of Cena. Cena rolls out of the ring. Orton with a big right hand to Cena. Orton sends Cena shoulder first to the steel ring steps. Cena goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Orton counters with a boot to the face. Orton with a uranage slam for a two count. Orton kicks Cena in the chest. Orton goes for the IEDDT, but Cena dumps Orton to the outside.
Cena bounces Orton’s head on the steel ring step. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment on the announce table, but Orton counters with a back suplex. Orton rolls Cena back into the ring. Orton and Cena trade shots. Cena with the side slam followed by the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena plants Orton with the Attitude Adjustment for a two count. Cena goes to the top rope. Orton immediately gets back on his feet and connects with the IEDDT from the top rope. Bray is loving it. Orton sets up for the RKO. Orton connects with the RKO for a two count.
Orton goes for the RKO again, but Cena blocks it. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Orton sends Cena into the referee. Cena gets Orton in the STF and Orton taps out. Bray Wyatt breaks up the submission attempt. The Wyatt’s beatdown Cena. Cena clotheslines Orton. Bray plants Cena with the Sister Abigail. Luke Harper storms into the ring. Harper and Bray engage in a big stare off. Harper lays out Bray with the Discus Clothesline. Orton goes for the RKO, but Harper blocks it. Cena from behind connects with the Attitude Adjustment to pickup the victory.
Winner: John Cena
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Check out Episode 41 of the Josh Lopez Wrestling Podcast.