Is Seth Rollins Backstage at WWE Raw Tonight?
As noted, WWE will be providing an update on Seth Rollins’ injury status tonight on Raw.
According to PWInsider.com, Rollins is not backstage for Raw tonight, and he flew back to Birmingham, Alabama, where he initially met with Dr. James Andrews, sometime in the past 24 hours.
Watch Trent Seven vs Wolfgang for the ICW Title
Insane Championship Wrestling’s 6th Annual Square Go! PPV is now available to stream via the FITE App.
One of ICW’s most popular yearly events, every Square Go so far has sold out in advance, and the event features names like Drew Galloway, Grado, Rampage Brown, Jack Jester, Joe Hendry, Davey Boy, DCT, Kenny Williams and Stevie Boy competing in a 30 man Square Go match with 5 weapons and a title opportunity.
To stream the event, download the FITE app free from iTunes and Google Play at this link.