
NXT Takeover Result: Asuka vs Nikki Cross vs Billie Kay vs Peyton Royce

NXT Women’s Title Match: Asuka (c) vs Nikki Cross vs Billie Kay vs Peyton Royce

Kay and Royce both leave the ring to avoid Cross and Asuka. Asuka and Cross square off. Kay and Royce attack them both from behind. Royces sets Cross up in a tree of woe. Asuka clotheslines Royce and bulldogs Kay at the same time. Asuka and Cross attack Cross and Asuka again. Asuka German suplexes Kay and Royce at the same time. Cross headbutts Asuka. Asuka German suplex holds Cross for a two count. Royce and Kay try to get in the ring, but Asuka hip attacks them both off the apron. Asuka misses a kick to Cross, which allows Cross to hit a straight jacket neck breaker for a near fall. Asuka sends Cross to the outside. Asuka tries to kick Cross in the head from the apron, but Cross ducks and trips Asuka. Cross hits a elevated rolling neck breaker off the apron on Asuka.

Cross goes up top and takes out Royce and Kay with a cross body. Royce and Kay toss Cross into the barricade. Cross fights them both off. Cross throws Royce over by the announce desk. Cross climbs the announce desk. Kay trips Cross on the announce desk. Royce and Cross suplex Cross off the announce desk through a table. Royce and Kay run back the ring and assault Asuka. Kay picks up Asuka and Royce hits a running knee. Asuka kicks out. Royce and Kay set up their knee driver finish, but Asuka kicks Kay in the head to avoid it. Royce kicks Asuka, then takes her over with the widow’s peak for a near fall. Asuka kicks Kay in the head then Royce. Royce is out. Asuka rolls up Royce for the pin fall.

Winner and STILL NXT Women’s Champion, Asuka