Fourth Match: DJ Zema Ion (c) vs. Caleb Konley vs. Marshe Rockett vs. Trevor Lee vs. Andrew Everett in a Five Way TNA X-Division Championship
Shane Helms is watching the match from ringside supporting the Helms Dynasty. DJZ and Konley ducks a double clothesline from the Helms Dynasty. DJZ and Konley connect with a double dropkick to Rockett. DJZ with a hurricanrana to Lee. Everett goes for a Springboard Basement Dropkick, but DJZ counters with a inverted atomic drop. Konley with a rollup for a two count. DJZ ducks a clothesline from Konley. DJZ with a jaw breaker to Konley. DJZ goes for a Springboard Back Elbow, but Konley counters with a back suplex for a two count. Everett rams his shoulders to the midsection of Konley. Konley sets up for the IEDDT.
DJZ connects with a sweet Neck Breaker/DDT combination to Rockett, Lee, Konley and Everett. DJZ goes for the cover, but Rockett kicks out at two. DJZ tries to pin the rest of the competitors, but all of them kick out at two. Lee drags DJZ out of the ring. Konley with separate suicide dives to Lee and Rockett. Everett with a Springboard Twisting Plancha to Konley and Rockett. DJZ continues the sequence with the Somersault Plancha.
Rockett with a flying crossbody to the Helms Dynasty on the outside. Rockett with a leaping leg lariat to Konley for a two count. Everett with a roll through into a knee strike from Lee for a two count. The Helms Dynasty begins to argue. Konley with a cradle suplex to Lee. Everett with a Springboard Shooting Star Press to Konley. DJZ plants Everett with the ZDT to pickup the victory. After the match, Lee attacks DJZ. Shane Helms rolls a collection of chairs into the ring. The Helms Dynasty wraps a chair around DJZ ankle. Lee with a series of chair shots to the ankle of DJZ.
Winner: Still TNA X-Division Champion, DJ Zema Ion