Photo Credit: Reby Hardy

Details on The Hardys vs The MCW Tag Team Champs in a Title for Title Match, Chris Hero in Main Events, FIP Title Match Set, Style Battle News

Details on The Hardys vs The MCW Tag Team Champs in a Title for Title Match

The following press release has been issued:

Sat January 28th 7:30PM Bell Time Doors open at 5:00
MCW Arena
Joppa Market Place
1000 Joppa Farm Road
Joppatowne, MD 21085

A Special Meet & Greet with Broken Matt Hardy, Brother Nero Jeff Hardy, Queen Rebecca, King Maxell, Senor Benjamin, MCW Women’s Champion Melina, Ring Of Honor Star Lio Rush, MCW Champion Drolix, The Bruiser and all of the stars of MCW Pro Wrestling will begin at 5:00PM when the doors open. You MUST have an event ticket in order to enter the pre show meet & greet.

Facebook Live Matches Start at 6:45

*Facebook Match*
Bobby Shields vs Sean Carr

*Facebook Live Match*
Punk Rock All Stars vs Rock & Bowl Express

MCW Broken Anniversary Starts at 7:30

*Singles Match*
Greg Excellent vs Maxwell Jacob Finestein w/Maria & Malcolm Moses

*Singles Match*
Dante Caballero vs Brandon Scott

*4 Corners Tag Team Match*
Winners Get Shot At Tag Team Titles
The Guns For Hire vs Coast 2 Coast vs THC vs App Outlaws

*MCW Women’s Championship*
Melina (Champion) vs Brittany Blake (Challenger)

*3 vs 1 Handicap Match*
The Bruiser vs Sean Studd, Jeremiah & Andy Vineberg

*Singles Match*
Lio Rush vs Anthony Henry

*Tag Team Main Event #1*
Drolix and Chuck Lennox vs “Punishment” Damian Martinez & Napalm Bomb

*Tag Team Main Event #2*
Titles for Titles, Champions vs Champions
TNA & MCW Tag Team Championship Match
The Hardy Boyz (TNA Tag Team Champions vs The Ecktorage (MCW Tag Team Champions)


Ticket Prices Are:
Golden Reserved Ringside (Front Row) $40 *SOLD OUT*
Second Row Ringside (Row 2 ) $35 *SOLD OUT*
Third Row Ringside (Row 3) $30 *SOLD OUT*
Reserved Seating (Row 4, 5) $25 *SOLD OUT*
General Admission (1st Come 1st Serve) $20

– Visit Our Website @

– Purchase Tickets over the phone by calling Mission Tix
24 Hours a day, 7 Days a week, 365 days a year 1-888-996-4774

To Buy Tickets Online at MCW’s Official online Ticket Outlet Mission Tix
Click Here –>

Go to your App store and search for the App “Mission Tix” download the FREE App to your smart phone or mobile device and you can order tickets through the App without even leaving your house or having to log in through your computer.

– IN JOPPA- Go directly to the Joppa Market Place and purchase your tickets. Call the office there directly to verify hours of operation.
Joppa Market Place
1000 Joppa Farm Road
Joppa, MD 21085

Hide Away Leather Inc.
6713 Holabird Ave
Dundalk, MD 21222
(410) 285-7769

Chris Hero in Main Events, FIP Title Match Set, Style Battle News

WWN Live has issued the following:

We have the latest news for EVOLVE’s first events of 2017, title matches set for the next FIP, more Style Battle competitors plus more. Let’s get to it….

January 24th: Tickets are still available for this EVOLVE this Friday and this Saturday in San Antonio, TX at the Woodlawn Lake Park Gym on 1103 Cincinnati Avenue. The venue is just a few miles from WWE Royal Rumble. The Saturday event is in the afternoon and will be over in time to make it a double header with NXT. You can print your tickets at home or show the barcode on your cell phone so you don’t have to worry about shipping or will call. Tix Alert: Ringside are almost sold out for EVOLVE 77 on Saturday, but you can get quality ringside seats for Friday’s EVOLVE 76.

January 24th: If you can’t be there in person, you can still witness both EVOLVE events live at for the low price of $20 for a month of the streaming service or $150 for the entire year! This comes out to just $12.50 per month, which means that the EVOLVE events are only $6.25 each! You also get an extensive VOD library and other live events with FloSlam!

January 24th: EVOLVE officials have decided to give Chris Hero the honor of having the main events of both EVOLVE 76 and EVOLVE 77. This is the last weekend we’ll see “Chris Hero” on the independents. He is arguably the greatest independent wrestler ever, undoubtedly the 2016 MVP and a quality person who has earned a special, final weekend. Be there and say goodbye, pay tribute and chant “Chris Is Awesome” one last time. 

January 24: Darby Allin vs. Chris Dickinson has been signed for EVOLVE 77. We have the updated cards below. Make sure to watch the new EVOLVE Mini-Doc on Darby Allin to see why this unique individual is someone to keep an eye on in 2017.

January 24th: Tickets are now on sale for Style Battle S1:E2 on February 10th and FIP “Ascension 2017” on February 11th. Both events will be back inside at The Orpheum in Ybor City, FL. All tickets will be general admission for only $20 per event. You can also get a combo ticket for both Style Battle and FIP for only $35!

January 24th: FIP is where the tough come to fight. FIP World Heavyweight Champion Fred Yehi sent out an open contract for his title defense on February 11th. “The Machine” Brian Cage answered. It will be Yehi vs. Cage for the FIP World Heavyweight Title on February 11th!

January 24th: Jon Davis demanded a rematch against FIP Florida Heritage Champion Martin Stone and he will get one at FIP “Ascension 2017.” Stone vs. Davis for the Florida Heritage Title is signed for February 11th.

January 24th: The following have also confirmed for FIP on February 11th:

-FIP Tag Team Champions The Hooligans

-Sami Callihan, AR Fox & Darby Allin of Uncle John’s Friends

-The return of Caleb Konley

-Sammy Guevara

-Anthony Henry with Amber Young

-Dan Barry

-Tracer X

-Billy Barboza with Weevil Whittaker

-Aria Blake

-Plus many more to be added!!!

January 24th: Anthony Henry asked for another shot in Style Battle after going to a classic 30-minute draw vs. Fred Yehi at S1:E1. He was given it. WWN officials have ruled that if Henry gets another shot in Style Battle, then Yehi should also get another opportunity. He has been added to the field. Six of the eight participants for Style Battle S1:E2 on February 10th are now official. They are:

-Anthony Henry

-Caleb Konley

-Dan Barry

-Fred Yehi

-Sami Callihan

-Tracer X

January 24th: Thank you for reading today’s WWN Alerts. We are finalizing some things for the WWNLive Experience in Orlando, FL on Wrestlemania weekend. This will be the place to be. We close with an updated look at this weekend’s EVOLVE cards:

EVOLVE 76 – San Antonio, TX – January 27th – 8pm CST

The Main Event

Chris Hero vs. Keith Lee

Main Event #2 – EVOLVE Tag Team Title Match

Tracy Williams & Fred Yehi defend vs. EVOLVE Champion Timothy Thatcher & Jeff Cobb with Stokely Hathaway

Grudge Match

Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Ethan Page with The Gatekeepers

Special Attraction Match

Matt Riddle vs. ACH

Special Challenge Match #1

DUSTIN vs. Jason Kincaid

Special Challenge Match #2

Jaka vs. Peter Kaasa

Special Challenge Match #3

Chris Dickinson vs. Darby Allin

Bonus Texas Wrestling Academy Card At 7:15 CST

-Texas Lion vs Moonshine Mantell

-Rudy Russo vs Max Castillano

-Action Jackson vs DJ Talamantez

EVOLVE 77 – San Antonio, TX – January 28th – 2pm CST

The Main Event

Chris Hero vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

Main Event #2 – EVOLVE Title Match

Timothy Thatcher with Stokely Hathaway defends vs. Jeff Cobb

No DQ Match

Matt Riddle vs. DUSTIN

Special Challenge Match #1

EVOLVE Tag Team Champion Fred Yehi vs. ACH

Special Challenge Match #2

EVOLVE Tag Team Champion Tracy Williams vs. Laredo Kid

Special Tag Team Attraction

Chris Dickinson & Jaka vs. Sammy Guevara & Jason Kincaid

Plus more to be announced with Ethan Page with The Gatekeepers, Darby Allin, Peter Kaasa, plus more!


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