WWE NXT Results (1/18): The Revival takes on TM61, Contract Signing for the NXT Championship Match at Takeover!

Contract Signing

NXT Commissioner William Regal is in the ring. Regal calls out both Bobby Roode and NXT Champions Shinsuke Nakamura. Roode cuts off Regal while he is trying to speak. Roode says there will be no fighting tonight. The main event of Takeover is too important. Roode goes on to say that he is very aware of Nakamura. Thing is, he never figured that Nakamura was worth his time. Roode asks Nakamura if he remembers the gift that Roode gave him last week. It was a ticket from NXT Takeover: Dallas. Roode watched Nakamura in awe that night. Nakamura has beaten everyone there is to beat in NXT. Nakamura calls himself “The King of Strong Style” but the fact is Nakamura has no style. Nakamura walks around with half a haircut and clothes from Michael Jackson’s Thriller. Roode mocks Nakamura’s hand taunt. Nakamura says that he likes Roode and he knew their paths would cross. Nakamura likes Roode because he looks like Shiba Inu, which is a Japanese dog.

Roode goes nuts. Nakamura says Roode will never change NXT as long as he is the champion. Roode says he understands that everyone fears change. Roode tells Nakamura that he isn’t in the “land of no talent” anymore. The people in the crowd and the wrestler in the back have slowly started to change to Roode’s way. Roode adds that when he wins the NXT championship it will finally be Glori… before Roode can finish Nakamura puts his hand in his face. Nakamura tells Roode he looks great, but at Takeover: San Antonio Roode will not be able to take his NXT championship. In San Antonio, Nakamura is going to kick Roode’s head off. Nakamura gets in Roode’s face and tells him that it is going to be, GLORIOUS!

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