WWE NXT Results (1/18): The Revival takes on TM61, Contract Signing for the NXT Championship Match at Takeover!

In Ring Segment: Tye Dillinger

Dillinger thanks the fans for their cheers, but he admits that 2016 has left him with huge question marks. Dillinger says he can only let down those close to him so many times. Dillinger laments that he may no longer have it in him. During the fatal four-way, he was this close to getting his shot at the NXT title. Before Dillinger can finish his thought, SAnity comes out to the stage. Eric Young tells Dillinger that he is right- he doesn’t have it, and he never did. That said, he could have it. Dillinger could have everything he wants, he just has to make the right choices, the right path, and the right friends. Wolfe hands Dillinger a SAnity coat. Dillinger takes the coat and drops it outside the ring.

Young gets in the ring and tells Dillinger that he understands. He was in the same position as Dillinger. 2017 can be everything that he wants, he just has to choose to make it perfect. Young hands Dillinger the coat again. Young says let him be clear: he is not asking. Dillinger holds up the coat, drops it in Young’s face and does the perfect 10 taunt. Dillinger decks Young and knocks Wolfe off the apron. Dillinger picks up Young for the Tye Breaker, but Damo hits the ring and Spears Dillinger. Damo picks up Dillinger and hits the One Winged Angel. Young hands Damo the SAinty coat and Damo puts it on his shoulder. Young celebrates int he ring.


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