TNA Impact Wrestling Results (1/12): Last Man Standing Match to Name a New #1 Contender, The Broken Hardyz Defend Against The Wolves

It is revealed that former TNA Knockouts Champion Brooke will be returning to TNA. Brooke says her goal is the TNA Knockouts championship.

The Miracle Mike Bennett w/Maria vs Braxton Sutter

Bennett forces Sutter into the corner and lands a few strikes. Bennett whips Sutter into the corner, but Sutter explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Power slam by Sutter. Maria distracts Sutter long enough for Bennett to land a running head kick. Sutter fires up and hits a spine buster for a two count. Big boot by Sutter, followed by a flying neck breaker of the second rope for another near far. Maria distracts Sutter, which allows Bennett to hit the MIP. Maria is screaming at Bennett to finish Sutter. Bennett hits a piledriver. Maria gets on the apron and kisses Bennett. Allie comes out and Maria goes nuts. Sutter jackknife covers Bennett and gets the win!

Winner- Braxton Sutter

Backstage Maria and Bennett blame Allie for the loss.


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