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Former WWE Creative Writer Reveals His Top Pet Peeves of 2016

Former WWE Creative Writer Andrew Goldstein, has published a new column at Goldstein reveals his top pet peeves list of 2016. Here is an excerpt from his article:

“Look, here’s the thing. It’s been a while since I’ve opined on the state of professional wrestling in this forum but let’s be honest, with the Earth hurdling toward the end of days (apologies to Baron Corbin and his worst tattoos in the biz and weird lengthwise bellybutton) most of my time this year has been spent stress-listening to “Keeping it 1600” and hoarding non-perishables for my doomsday bunker. As a result, RASSLIN has taken a bit of a backseat as my circle of concern extends wider than Baron Corbin’s weird belly button. Sorry, I just can’t get the sight of his belly button out of my head! Seriously his lower torso looks like Homer Simpson’s upper lip.

That said, as we ring in 2017 and look back at all the ways sports entertainment has moved farther and farther away from anything that remotely resembles professional wrestling in the last year… I’m compelled to update my list of wrestling pet peeves, last seen in 2013.

So here now are my Top 6 Wrestling Pet Peeves list of 2016

6. Super Kicks and Enzigiris:

Remember how funny it was the first time you heard Borat say, “Myyyy wiiiiife”? And then remember how infuriating it became once everybody started saying it, over and over, constantly shoe-horning it into conversations where it didn’t belong? Same thing goes with workers today and their over-use of super kicks and enzigiris. Seriously take any given Dolph Ziggler, Kevin Owens, Seth Rollins, Chris Jericho match and then take a drink every time either of them hits a super kick or an enzigiri on their opponent. You’ll find yourself with a blood-alcohol level somewhere between Johnny Maziel and peek Scott Hall. And that’s before the first break spot in the match! Guys, it’s enough. Not every match needs to be Shawn-Taker, ok? It’s unequivocally not believable for a fighter in any legitimate athletic competition to withstand more than one full force kick to the jaw or the back of the head. Let alone 20! But then again, in 2017, nothing about professional wrestling resembles a legitimate athletic competition anymore so…”

Goldstein also lists old gimmicks die hard, authority figures, scripted trash talk and more. You can read Andrew Goldstein’s column, “Goldstein on Rasslin” in its entirety at this link.


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