Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (12/19): The Boss Attacked, Huge Tag Team Main Event, All of the Fallout from WWE Roadblock!

The Club and The Shining Stars vs The New day, Cesaro and Sheamus

After a short break, Kingston rolls up Primo, but Epico gets a blind tag. Epico kicks Kingston in the gut. Epico hits a butterfly face breaker on Kingston. Gallows tags in and boots Kingston in the face. Anderson and Gallows take turns beating down Kingston. Anderso sets Kingston on the top rope. Kingston reverses it into a tornado DDT. Before Kingston can make the tag Gallows knocks Big E. off the apron. Epico and Primo hit tandem topé suicidas on Cesaro and Sheamus. Anderson and Gallows hit the Boot of Doom for a two count. Kingston finally tags in Big E.

Big E. hits three belly to belly suplexes. Before Big E. can hit his running splash, Sheamus tags himself in. Sheamus goes for the ten beats of the Bodhran. Sheamus rolling sentons Epico. Cesaro tags in. Sheamus picks Epico up in White Noise as Cesaro dives off the top onto Epico. Primo breaks up the pin attempt. Sheamus Brogue Kicks Epico. Gallows superkicks Sheamus. Big E. clotheslines Gallows over the top rope. Anderson sick kicks Big E. Cesaro Swiss Death Uppercuts Anderson. Epico gets in the ring, but Cesaro swings him, then locks in the Sharpshooter for the submission victory.

Winners- The New Day, Sheamus and Cesaro


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