This second of four videos from Chair Shot Reality on this episode 345 is about the WWE Women’s division on both brands and SmackDown Live. Here’s an excerpt of the Women’s debate:
Transcription courtesy of @PeterBahi
Juice Springsteen:In secondary feuds, I would have to say Smackdown has the edge right now, with a better talentpool that can put on better matches right now, which showed two strong Women’s matches onthe pay per view [Tables, Ladders & Chairs] for the title feud, it’s almost a toss up, because Ilove the Sasha [Banks] and Charlotte stuff, but it’s been dragging on for too long, but right nowthey keep doing different matches so it’s like a legitimate feud. They’re doing an IronMan matchnow; they’ve done a Hell in a Cell match, so, difference being, Smackdown not having any longterm feuds.Justin LaBar:Alexa Bliss is one of the brightest spots for Smackdown right now, but again, Smackdown, lesscontent, but I do like what Alexa Bliss is doing. I do not want to mistake that at all. Her quote thatshe had, “This little bitch now runs the Women’s division of Smackdown,” it was great. It wasn’tbecause of profanity that makes the quote standout because of WWE’s PG content, but it’sbecause she believed it, like I’m really starting to understand what Bliss’s voice is all about.Juice Springsteen:The best part was right after on Talking Smack, she was almost in tears after she won the title,and then, as soon as Renee talked about Becky Lynch, she shot right back into her promo.Justin LaBar:She has a very villainous, comic book kind of look. All that said though, I don’t think I can sayenough about the Raw Women’s division, simply because of what you said. On one hand,repetition harms it. We’ve seen Sasha and Charlotte go round and round since the brand splitsince July, which ironically happened in Pittsburgh. The fact that they broke so much ground:main eventing Raw, main eventing PPV’s, Hell in a Cell, contract signings, and now the firstever Iron Man (Woman) on Raw or Smackdown. I saw Sasha and Bayley match for NXT inOctober a couple of years ago, they did a 30 Minute Iron Woman match, which was a fantasticmatch, but this is going to be on a bigger stage, and for me, it’s coming right after we saw thebest of Charlotte. That segment with Charlotte and her father calling him an SOB, slapping him,and then the intensity when she assaulted Sasha Banks, that was amazing. That had mehooked, lined and sinker, like, man, I despise that woman.
Josh Isenberg then joins the show from Florida and speaks on depth issues on SmackDown Live:
If you watch Smackdown Live this past week on the USA Network, you might have questioned alot of the booking decisions. From a Hype Bros and Ascension match, with Zack Ryder andMojo Rawley picking up the win. Even towards the American Alpha match with Breezango, youwonder what’s going on with Smackdown Live? Especially when Smackdown Live showcasesJames Ellsworth as their #1 guy in the company, but there’s a problem and there’s going to be aproblem, and that’s depth. Whenever you have Miz and Dean Ambrose as your main event, withAJ Styles taking a day off, and much needed one after doing that amazing 450 splash through atable, which is definitely one of my most favorite AJ Styles moments in WWE, but you have tolook at the depth and you have to realize that there is no competition for Miz’s Intercontinentalchampionship. There’s no real competition for AJ Styles as World championship, so what do youdo? Who do you book?
To hear more of the Women’s debate and more from Josh on SmackDown’s roster situation, watch the video below: