impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (12/8) – Edwards vs EC3 For The World Title, Galloway Returns, Apocalypto Is Upon Us

Fourth Match: Laurel Van Ness w/Maria Kanellis vs. Allie w/Braxton Sutter 

Van Ness and Allie goes into the collar and elbow tie up. Van Ness lands a deep armdrag. Allie backs herself into the corner. Allie with a go-behind and lands a deep armdrag of her own. Van Ness applies a waist lock. Allie applies an armbar. Van Ness backs Allie into the corner. Van Ness whips Allie back first into the turnbuckles. Allie with a boot to the face of Van Ness. Van Ness connects with a leg sweep. Van Ness drives Allie face to the canvas. Van Ness is all over Allie in the corner.

Sutter urges Allie on. Allie fires up with a series of forearm strikes. Allie clotheslines Van Ness. Allie plants Van Ness with a snap suplex. Allie ducks a clothesline from Van Ness. Allie and Van Ness are knocked down by a double clothesline. Mike Bennett comes down to the ring and gets into a brawl with Sutter. The brawl between Bennett and Sutter spills to the back. Van Ness with a running clothesline to the back of Allie. Van Ness with a face buster. Van Ness goes for the Curb Stomp, but Allie ducks out of the way. Allie connects with the Reverse DDT to pickup the victory. After the match, Maria tries to cheap shot Allie, but it was too late and Maria rolls out of the ring.

Winner: Allie 


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