Lucha Underground Results (12/7) – The Battle Of The Bulls Tournament Begins

Second Match: Sexy Star vs. PJ Black. If Sexy Star Wins, She’ll Take on Johnny Mundo in a Steel Cage Match for the Lucha Underground Championship. If Sexy Loses, She’ll Never Get Another Opportunity at the Lucha Underground Championship 

Sexy ducks a leg lariat from Black. Sexy with a jack knife cover for a one count. Black with a backslide for a two count. Sexy ducks a clothesline from Black. Sexy with a thrust kick to the midsection of Black. Sexy lands a standing hurricanrana. Black drives his knee to the gut of Sexy. Black with a clubbing blow to the back of Sexy’s back. Black connects with the Lucha Libre Armdrag. Sexy dropkicks Black. Sexy with a boot to the face of  Black.

Sexy slaps Black around the ring. Sexy connects with the springboard hurricanrana. Sexy goes for the Tilt-A-Whirl Head Scissors, but Black counters with the cutter. Black tries to rip the mask off of Sexy. Black applies the Billy Goat’s Curse. Black penetrates Sexy in the corner. Sexy fires up with a series of chops to the chest of Black. Sexy gets Black in the guillotine choke, but Black counters with a vertical suplex. Black connects with a springboard moonsault. Black ascends to the top rope.

Black sets up for the 450 Splash, but Sexy starts attacking Black on the top rope. Sexy connects with the Frankensteiner, but Black rolls her over for a two count. Black plants Sexy with the Styles Clash for a two count. Black goes for another Springboard Moonsault, but Sexy rolls out of the way. Sexy with a series of buzzsaw kicks to the shoulders of Black. Sexy with a Spike DDT for a two count. Jack Evans appears at ringside to distract the referee. Black accidentally SuperKick’s Evans off the ring apron. Sexy from behind connects with the sunset flip to pickup the victory.


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