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WWE 205 Live Results (11/29) – Swann vs Kendrick for the Title, Gallagher/Daivari, Bollywood Boyz Debut and More!

– We get a video package on The Bollywood Boyz. Bollywood Boyz talk about representing their Indian culture. Their dream is to be part of this company. They’re representing their 95 year old grandfather. He wanted them to get to the WWE. Bollywood Boyz grew up watching hockey, WWE, and Bollywood. They are bringing Bollywood to the WWE. Their goal is to be the WWE Tag Team Champions.


First Match: The Bollywood Boyz vs. Tony Nese & Drew Gulak 

Nese attacks Gurv from behind before the bell rings. Gurv tags in Harv. The Bollywood Boyz double teams Nese in the corner. Boyz with basement dropkicks in stereo for a two count. Nese lands a big right hand and tags in Gulak. Harv applies an armbar. Gulak backs Harv into the corner. Gulak slaps Harv in the chest. Harv knocks Nese off the ring apron. Gulak with a running knee to Harv. Gulak with a series of springboard stomps to Harv.

Gulak bodyslams Harv on the top ropes for a two count. Gulak tags in Nese. Nese with a running axe handle for a two count. Nese applies a body scissors hold. Nese mocks the Bollywood Boyz. Harv gets out of the hold with a back elbow. Nese tags in Gulak. Nese rams his knee across the face of Harv. Gulak with a running boot to Harv in the corner. Gulak continues the cut the ring in half. Gulak transitions into the ground and pound attack. Gulak tags in Nese. Nese stomps on Harv’s shoulder. Nese applies a side headlock.


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