Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (11/28): Huge Main Event Signed for Roadblock, New Champion Crowned, Owens vs Reigns!

Tag Team Title Match: The New Day (c) vs Gallows and Anderson

Woods runs right into a clothesline by Anderson. Gallows boots Big E. in the face on the outside of the ring. Anderson hits a running Liger bomb for a two count. Gallows tags in and hits a flapjack. Gallows kicks Woods in the back of the head. After a short break, Woods surprises Gallows with an enziguri. Woods manages to tag in Big E. Big E. suplexes Anderson over and over again. Big E. calls for the Big Ending, but Anderson reverses it and hits a sick kick for a two count. Anderson gets sent out to the apron. Big E. hits a spear through the ropes. Big E. and Woods set up the Midnight Hour, but Gallows kicks Big E. in the face to break it up. Woods dives off the top, but he gets caught midair and spine bustered for a near fall. Gallows and Anderson hits power bomb top rope neck breaker combo for another two count. Gallows and Anderson set up the Magic Killer, but Big E. breaks it up. Anderson picks up Woods in a fireman’s carry. Woods wiggles out and attempts the Honor Roll, but Anderson moves out of the way. Anderson rolls up Woods and pulls his tights. Woods reverse it and pulls Anderson’s tights for the win!

Winners and STILL WWE RAW Tag Team Champions, The New Day!

Backstage, Bayley says she wants to wish Banks good luck. Banks says tonight isn’t about Bayley or Banks for the matter. It is all about the WWE Raw Women’s title. This town needs a real champion. Banks says she is going to dedicate her match tonight to the legendary “Nature Boy” Ric Flair.