Lucha Underground Results (11/23) – Mundo/Star, Fox Clashes With Killshot, The Rabbit Tribe’s Debut

Fox plants Killshot with a springboard cutter for a two count. Fox goes for the Fox Catcher, but Killshot blocks it. Killshot and Fox engage in back and forth forearm strikes. Killshot with a lightning quick offense to Fox. Fox responds with a pump kick. Killshot with another ace crusher.

Fox with a back elbow to Killshot. Killshot gets Fox in the CrossArm Breaker, but Fox powers out of the hold. Fox connects with a standing enziguri. Fox and Killshot battle for position on the top rope. Killshot with the JML Driver. Killshot connects with the Double Stomp for a two count. Fox with a running leg lariat to Killshot. Fox plants Killshot with the Fox Catcher to pickup the victory.

Winner: Dante Fox