WWE NXT TakeOver Toronto Live Results

WWE NXT Takeover Toronto Results (11/19): Dusty Classic Finals Decided, New Champions Crowned!

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Finals: The Authors of Pain w/Paul Ellering vs TM61 (Ellering will be suspended in a shark cage above the ring)

Miller lands a few forearms to Akum. Thorne tags in and he and Miller send both Rahzar and Akum over the top rope. Miller takes Akum out with a suicide dive. Rahzar puts Thorne on his shoulders and carries him up the structure that is supporting the cage. Thorne knocks Rahzar off the structure. Thorne dives off the structure and takes out Rahzar with a topé. Thorne attempts to get in the ring, but Akum turns him upside down by yanking his ankle from under him. Rahzar picks up Thorne in a back breaker. Akum dives off the second rope with a foot stomp for a two count. Akum picks up Thorne and launches him across the ring. Akum misses a splash in the corner. Akum tags in Rahzar, who gets dropkicked by Thorne. Miller tags in and bodyslams Rahzar, suplexes Akum, and then suplexes Rahzar. Miller hits a moonsault for a two count. Thorne and Miller set up the 10 punches in the corner, but Rahzar and Akum reverse it into a power bomb sandwich attempt. Miller and Thorne

Miller tags in and bodyslams Rahzar, suplexes Akum, and then suplexes Rahzar. Miller hits a moonsault for a two count. Thorne and Miller set up the 10 punches in the corner, but Rahzar and Akum reverse it into a power bomb sandwich attempt. Miller and Thorne reverse that into double hurricanrannas. Miller and Thorne hit Thunder Valley on Rahzar, but Akum breaks up the pin. Double outside dives on to Rahzar. Back in the ring, Ellering drops a chain to Akum. Akum tries to hit Miller, but the chain goes flying. Spinbuster by Akum to Miller. Akum and Rahzar hit the Last Chapter on Thorne for the win.

Winners and Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Champions, The Authors of Pain!

After the match, Triple H, William Regal, and Dustin Runnels present the Authors of Pain with the Dusty Classic trophy.


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