TNA Impact Wrestling Results (11/17) – What Happen To Broken Matt’s Memory ?, The DCC In Action, Rex vs Godderz

Third Match: Trevor Lee vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Mike Bennett vs. Ethan Carter III in a Fatal Four Way Match To Determine The Number One Contender To The TNA World Heavyweight Championship 

EC3 with a series of clubbing blows to the back of Lashley immediately after the bell rings. EC3 with right hands to Lee and Bennett. EC3 eats a back elbow from Lashley in the corner. Lashley follows that up with a running clothesline. Lashley bounces EC3’s head on the top turnbuckle. Lashley, Bennett and Lee mobs EC3 in the corner. Lashley and Bennett chokes EC3 with their perspective boots. Lashley tosses EC3 to the outside. Bennett rolls Lashley up from behind for a two count. Lee rolls Bennett up for a two count. Lashley with a running double clothesline to Bennett and Lee. Lashley with corner spears to Bennett and Lee. Lashley Bennett into Lee. Lashley connects with a delayed vertical suplex. Lashley launches Lee onto EC3 on the outside. Lee with a running knee strike to EC3. Lee tells Bennett to double team EC3.

EC3 with a back elbow to Lee. EC3 with a boot to the face of Bennett. Lashley goes for a corner Spear, but EC3 sends Lashley shoulder first into the steel ring post. EC3 goes for a german suplex, but Lashley blocks it. Lashley connects with a standing german suplex. Lee with a running boot to the face of Lashley. Lee and Bennett tosses Lashley to the outside. Bennett with a neck breaker to EC3. Lee stomps on EC3’s chest. Bennett with a low dropkick to the face of EC3. The onslaught continues as Lee lands another running boot. Lee and Bennett whips EC3 back first into the turnbuckles. Lee and Bennett with a double suplex to EC3. Bennett goes for a pin, but Lee breaks up the pin attempt.


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