TNA Impact Wrestling Results (11/17) – What Happen To Broken Matt’s Memory ?, The DCC In Action, Rex vs Godderz

Second BROKEN Matt Hardy and Reby Hardy Segment: 

Reby shows Matt video from Maxel’s first birthday party. Broken Matt wants to know how much that party cost? Matt is surprised to see himself when Vanguard 1 appears on the screen. We see the clip of Broken Matt riding the lawn mower through Jeff’s front yard. Matt wants to know why he would ruin his brother’s beautiful landscaping.

Why would Matt do such an evil thing? We see more clips of the original final deletion. Matt asks Reby when he started to play the violin? Reby is speechless. Matt is surprised that he was shooting fireworks at his flesh and blood. Matt has seen enough of the final deletion and walks out of the office. Matt does his premonition yell. Looks like he’s coming down with a cold. It must be the change of seasons.


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