Ashley Massaro

Former WWE Diva Claims She Was Sexually Assaulted During WWE Trip At A Military Base

Former WWE Diva Sexually Assaulted During WWE Trip

Former WWE Diva Ashley Massaro claims that she was sexually assaulted at a military base. The incident happened in 2006 and in new documents she claims that WWE convinced her to keep it quiet.

According to Pro Wrestling Sheet, Massaro joined the head injury case against WWE and also mentioned the sexual assault in those filed documents. It happened in the Middle East during a trip to a military base with Ron Simmons, Jimmy Hart and Maria Kanellis.

You can read an excerpt from the documents below and also a statement from her lawyer:

Excerpt from document

“Upon her return to the United States, she was seen by Dr. Rios who interviewed her about the incident. Dr. Rios reported the incident to WWE executives who soon thereafter met with Massaro to apologize for their negligence but persuaded her that it would be best not to report it to appropriate authorities.”

Lawyer Statement 

“This incredible situation derives from the WWE’s employment misclassification scheme wherein the WWE (deems itself) neither responsible for Massaro’s safety (despite being on a WWE tour in the Middle East) nor does the WWE deem itself responsible to report or collect data about incidents such as this. The WWE in order to protect its public image and insulate itself from paying for its injured workers prefers to remain silent.”


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