TNA Impact Wrestling Results (11/10) – The DCC Reveal, Edwards vs Drake, Broken Matt Breaking Down?

Bennett rakes the eye of Moose. Moose headbutt’s Bennett. Moose with a shoulder block that sends Bennett into the corner. Moose plants Bennett with a Pop Up Powerbomb. Moose follows that up with a senton. Moose goes for the Go To Hell, but Bennett gets back on his feet. Bennett with another thrust kick to the midsection of Moose. Bennett SuperKick’s Moose.

Bennett plants Moose with a piledriver for a two count. Moose with a series of Moose jabs. Bennett with two thrust kicks. Moose responds with a Bicycle Kick. Bennett drops Moose with a cutter for a two count. Bennett goes for a flying crossbody off the ring apron, but Moose caught him in mid-air. Moose sends Bennett face first to the steel ring steps. Moose goes for a Spear, but Bennett side steps him into the steel ring step. Moose gets counted out.

Winner: Mike Bennett via Countout