TNA Impact Wrestling Results (11/10) – The DCC Reveal, Edwards vs Drake, Broken Matt Breaking Down?

First Match: Mike Bennett w/Maria Kanellis vs. Moose in a #1 Contender’s TNA World Heavyweight Championship Qualifying Match 

Moose drives Bennett into the corner immediately after the bell rings. Moose rams his shoulders to the midsection of Bennett. Moose with a series of knife edge chops in the corner. Bennett responds with a collection of forearms to the jaw of Moose. Moose dropkicks Bennett. Moose sets up for a rolling discus lariat, but Maria drags Bennett out of the ring. Referee Earl Hebner ejects Maria from ringside. Bennett chopblocks Moose behind the referee’s back. Bennett with a low dropkick to the knee of Moose. Bennett stomps repeatedly to the back of Moose’s knee.

Bennett drags Moose to the corner. Bennett continues to work on the right leg of Moose. Bennett places Moose right leg on the middle rope. Bennett kicks Moose right leg. Moose lands two knife edge chops. Bennett responds with a running dropkick to the knee of Moose for a one count. Bennett applies a knee lock. Bennett goes for a delayed vertical suplex, but Moose stands still. Bennett with a roundhouse kick to the midsection of Moose.


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