Eric Bischoff Discusses The Report That TNA Has Been Sold In Parts & The Best Move Billy Corgan Could Make

The latest episode of Bischoff on Wrestling was released earlier tonight and featured an exclusive interview with former TMZ Senior Producer and Editor-in-Chief Ryan Satin.

During “The Business of Professional Wrestling” segment at the top of the show Eric commented on the report that WWE has purchased TNA’s video library and Billy Corgan has become majority owner of TNA. His comments begin at the nine minute mark in the embedded audio player above.

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On what he thinks of the news involving TNA, WWE and Billy Corgan:

EB: It is interesting. WWE is buying one of the assets of TNA. Arguably the most valuable one. Other than the library there’s just not a lot of hard assets that go along with the company. They don’t have a touring model. Their PPV business is probably a little more ancillary business now than it is a core business. They don’t have any licensing and merchandising to speak of so there’s no reoccurring revenue stream in that regard. There’s only so many assets to a wrestling company and a library is probably the most valuable one so that makes sense to me. I think Billy, if he’s going to rebrand TNA, I think that’s the first really smart move he could make. Wrestling is hard enough to sell in the advertising community as it is just because of the nature of the business and the way advertisers perceive it. When the acronym for your company is TNA, which regardless of how hard anyone wants to try and suggest it stands for “Total Nonstop Action”, in everybody’s minds it’s “Tits And Ass”. I think changing that brand and rebranding it is probably a really smart thing to do right out of the shoot.

This week’s show kicks off with Eric talking about the time he spent this past weekend with Mick Foley.

Eric and his co-host Nick Hausman then dive in to some top news stories in their “The Business of Professional Wrestling” segment including:

  • Reports that TNA’s video library has been sold to WWE while the majority ownership has been sold to Billy Corgan
  • The celebrity athletes and entertainers that have joined the UFC buyer’s group
  • More…

Eric & Nick then welcome former TMZ Senior Producer and Editor-in-Chief Ryan Satin. During Ryan’s appearance they discuss:

  • Ryan’s time at TMZ and what he learned about the way he wanted to cover the pro wrestling business
  • What Ryan has learned about Alberto Del Rio’s alleged stabbing incident in San Antonio
  • Jamie Noble’s recent knife fight of his own and Eric’s memories of working with Jamie
  • Whether or not Eric thinks a Goldberg return is a good idea
  • Halle Berry’s rep disputing Ric Flair’s story that she “rode Space Mountain”
  • If the Hogan-Gawker situation affected the way TMZ did business
  • More…

He then answers some questions from fans that were submitted on Twitter using the hashtag #BischoffOnWrestling

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You can listen to the full archives from Bischoff on Wrestling in the embedded audio player below:


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