Lucha Underground Results (9/28) – Azteca/Guerrero, Atomicos Match, Puma Returns To Action

First Match: Prince Puma vs. Sinestro De La Muerte 

Puma and Muerte engage in a series of back and forth right hands as the bell rings. Puma leapfrogs over Muerte. Muerte with a leaping knee strike to Puma. Puma ducks a clothesline from Muerte. Puma connects with the headscissors takedown followed by a beautiful dropkick. Puma with a big boot to the face of Muerte. Puma kicks Muerte in the gut. Puma uppercut’s Muerte. Puma lands a knife edge chop. Puma with a snap mare and proceeds to kick Muerte in the back. Puma works on the neck of Muerte. Puma with a vicious uppercut that sends Muerte into the corner.

Muerte side steps Puma face first into the top turnbuckle. Puma follows that up with a slingshot swanton bomb. Muerte drives Puma down to the canvas. Muerte with a running enziguri to Puma for a two count. Muerte goes for a side slam, but Puma blocks it. Puma connects with the northern lights suplex. Puma follows that up with a delayed vertical suplex for a two count. Muerte with a series of forearms to Puma. Muertes drops Puma with a side leg lariat. Puma responds with a knee strike and a roundhouse kick. Puma drags Muerte into the corner. Mil Muretes comes into the ring. Puma sends Muertes shoulder first into the steel ring post. Puma plants Muerte with the Vertigo Slam. Puma follows that up with the Flatliner to pickup the victory. After the match Puma drops Mil Muertes with the suicide dive. Puma goes to the ground and pound attack. MIL rolls Puma back into the ring and walks away.

Winner: Prince Puma