TJ Perkins vs Tony Nese
Nese tosses TJP across the ring. Nese goes behind TJP and slams him to the mat. TJP manages to grab a head scissors, but Nese cartwheels out of it. Nese tries to suplex TJP, but TJP reverses it. TJP sends Nese to the outside. TJP misses a head kick Nese pulls TJP off the apron. Nese hits his cartwheel into a superkick on the outside. Nese gets back in the ring, hits the ropes, and does and indo over the top rope onto TJP.
After the break, Nese clotheslines TJP in the corner. Nese misses a clothesline. TJP hits a hurricanrana. Leaping neck breaker, followed by a chicken wing gutbuster by TJP. TJP lands a suplex then a back suplex. TJP mounts the top rope, but Nese cuts him off with a slap to the face. TJP fights Nese off. TJP grabs Nese for a tornado DDT, but Nese reverses it into a suplex on the ropes. Nese hits the ropes and lands a running knee to the side of TJP’s head for a two count. TJP trips Nese into the ropes and hits the wrecking ball dropkick. TJP hits the detonation kick, followed by the knee bar for the submission victory.
Winner- TJ Perkins