WWE Clash of Champions Results (9/25) – Owens vs Rollins, New Champion Crowned, Bayley/Charlotte/Sasha, More

First Match: The New Day (c) vs. The Club for the WWE Raw Tag Team Championship 

Anderson and Kofi starts off this match. Gallows with a running clothesline to Big E on the outside before the bell rings. Anderson with a running axe handle to the back of Kofi. Anderson follows that up with a running liger bomb for a two count. Gallows drops Woods with a big boot. Anderson goes to the ground and pound attack. Anderson tags in Gallows. Gallows with a big boot to Kofi. Gallows with a series of right hands to Kofi in the corner. Gallows connects with a uppercut. Gallows follows that up with a elbow drop. Gallows headbutt’s Kofi. Kofi with a boot to the face of Gallows in the corner. Gallows plants Kofi with the Gallows Pole.

Big E and Anderson are tagged in. Big E connects with three consecutive belly to belly suplex’s. Big E follows that up with a running splash. Big E tosses Anderson to the ring apron. Big E goes for the suicide spear, but Anderson counters with a knee strike from the ring apron. Big E with a side slam for a two count. Anderson drops Big E with a running knee for a two count. Anderson kicks Big E in the chest. Anderson tags in Gallows. Big E goes for the Big Ending, but Gallows drops him with a big boot. The Club connects with the Magic Killer for a two count. Anderson tosses Kofi to the outside.

Big E tags in Kofi. Anderson plants Kofi with a spine buster for a two count. Anderson tags in Gallows. Kofi goes for the SOS, but Gallows counters with the Choke Slam for a two count. Kofi ducks out of the way and Gallows is sent crashing to the outside. Kofi with the Trouble to Paradise to Anderson. Kofi tags in Big E. Big E plants Anderson with the Big Ending for a two count as Gallows drags Big E out of the ring. Kofi with a springboard back elbow to Gallows on the outside. Woods hits Anderson in the face with the trombone behind the referee’s back. The New Day connects with the Midnight Hour to pickup the victory.

Winner: Still WWE Raw Tag Team Champions The New Day 


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